Colorado Hot Springs
Pinkerton Hot Springs

From Durango head north on US-550 for 11 miles driving through Hermosa. The springs sits just off the road on your right 2 miles north of Hermosa. The rock formation is Man-Made, there is an interpretative sign that tells the story of the springs.
Radium Hot Springs

Take I-70 west to Highway 40. Take HWY-40 to Kremmling. Turn left on HWY-9, go 2 miles to Trough Springs Rd, turn right. Go about 12 miles to a jeep road on the right. Follow the jeep road about a mile to an overlook of the river. Climb down to the river and walk up stream a short ways to hot spring. It is located below a large rock outcrop. Radium Springs is a single warm pool, temperature around 90 degrees, that is on the banks of the Colorado river just a few miles south of the town of Radium. This spring sits at the base of a 60 foot cliff that thrill seekers often jump off of into the Colorado river. Then you�ll swim right over to the 20 foot diameter hot pool and warm up. Easiest access is to actually float down the Colorado on a raft or kayak to access it that way. It�s a 20 minute walk on foot and an even more dangerous and gnarly drive in a 4 by 4. The water here is pretty fantastic and someone years ago piled rocks in the form of an oval to create a large natural hot tub right on the river.